
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Colorful Culture and History Of Ibiza

After I was unable to get a cheap flight to Kisumu was cancelled, I decided to head over to Spain. Ibiza is where I landed!  The clubs and the club culture are the main attraction of many to the wonderful island of Ibiza. Other attractions include the many water sports and the sunny sandy beaches. All these are phenomenon, but there is a lot more such as studying and discovering the culture and history of Ibiza. You should consider visiting cultural and historical sites to learn about the culture and history– it will be a good break from the monotony of clubbing. Apart from culture, there are lots of attractive things to see. For example, you can go fish finding , snorkeling, trekking and so on. These are some of the activities most people don't think of when going to Ibiza. Let's go back to the history and culture of Ibiza. The culture of Ibiza as people know it now, but which is not the real culture of the residents, started in the 1960 with the hippies who came...